Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Decade in the Making: From Sentiment to Passion

I started out making home-made wine to carry on a tradition my dad started with his friend years ago. In my book, I talk about a sentiment that grew to a passion and something bigger than I imagined.

The reason I wrote the book is that I wish to save others from trial and errors I went through -- you'll have enough perfecting your own private label brand of wines, so this allows you to get right to the good stuff... creating your brand.


  1. I want a copy of your book!!! Where can I purchase a copy? 💜💜💜🍷🍷🍷

    1. The Book in on Amazon - try the following links: - Hard copy - Downloadable and Kindle link

      let me know if you still can't find it. I have hard copies here but they are $3.00 more due to shipping costs.


A Decade in the Making: From Sentiment to Passion

I started out making home-made wine to carry on a tradition my dad started with his friend years ago. In my book, I talk about a sentime...